KAPAG encourages biodiversity on its factory premises

Honey and wild bees buzz around the untouched flower meadow on the factory site of KAPAG Karton + Papier AG (KAPAG).

“Monoculture in agriculture and strong construction activity are just two examples of why the habitat of bees and any insects for that matter is getting smaller”, says Mr. Alexander Meyer, managing owner of KAPAG.

For this reason KAPAG does not have a groomed lawn on their plant premises but a wild flower meadow comprising ca. 2500 m2.

Silvia Spring maintains some young hives on this species-rich meadow. The hobby bee keeper acknowledges many indigenous plants on this field, among others viper’s bugloss that is the sole source of food for the viper’s bugloss mason bee.

“The survival of this mason bee is entirely dependent on this plant”, points out Mrs. Spring. “Wild flower meadows such as KAPAG’s are therefore crucial.” Wild bees do not produce honey but alongside bumblebees they play an essential part in pollinating plants.

The modern time deprives insects of vital food sources and living spaces. “A lot of people want to have a work-free garden”, believes Mrs. Spring. This entails a robotic mower that keeps the lawn impeccable trimmed as well as a rock garden that is often flowerless.

“In the end we get a lot of joy out of the meadow whilst supporting biodiversity”, enthuses Mr. Meyer when gazing at the colourful flowers.


Image source: Wikipedia